Nice to Meet You!
Green WItch
Reiki Master
When I was little, I would search for messages in the rocks, commune with the animals, and stare at the clouds in wonder. Like many tiny humans, I believed in magick, and I knew in my heart that I was meant for a life of adventure! However, as I grew older, that lust for a magickal life began to fade as I was told I needed to find focus, be more realistic, and figure out what to do with my adult life – after all I would have bills to pay and mouths to feed. Does this sound familiar?
Looking back, what I find most interesting is that witchcraft and Reiki continually popped up. I’d get a nudge here and a whisper there, the universal energy calling me home. You see, for as long as I can remember, I’ve always had a deep sense of inner knowing and what some might call “the touch.” At the time, I had no idea what that actually meant…
Fast forward many years, several false starts, and a load of misguided intentions later… Here I am, talking with you about witchcraft, Reiki, crystals, plants, and anything else that comes up over a warm cup of tea. Or perhaps a bottle of red wine.
So why the heck am I here and why did I create all of this? I am here to support and encourage you as you find your own connection to magick, whether that be through sharing my experiences and knowledge in The Grimoire, connecting with you in The Coven, or simply creating wearable art that brings you joy. We are all here to remind each other to embrace our own unique magick, live our lives with open hearts, and share our gifts with the world.
Get To Know Danee Kay
Favorite Animal: Otters, Seriously, I’m obsessed!
Sun Sign: Aries
Moon sign: Sagittarius
Rising Sign: Libra
Go to Crystal: Molidvite, I almost never leave the house without my chunky ring
favorite tree: Willows, Specifically Weeping Willows
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